Friday, June 16, 2006
I didn't really say in the last post, but in San Luis Obispo we stayed with Anna's cousins Chris and Candace. They were gracious enough to let us crash at their house, even though we didn't get back from hanging out with our friends until after midnight. Then they made us an amazing tri-tip dinner the next night. (Thanks again!)
Chris and Candace have two adorable sons named Cole and Gavin, both of whom have what often seems like limitless energy. I finally got a picture up of me and Cole. Once he discovered we had a camera, he insisted we take a picture of him.

Yes, I did have fun playing with kids. No, we're not planning on having our own any time soon. Sheesh, one thing at a time, ok?
Chris and Candace have two adorable sons named Cole and Gavin, both of whom have what often seems like limitless energy. I finally got a picture up of me and Cole. Once he discovered we had a camera, he insisted we take a picture of him.

Yes, I did have fun playing with kids. No, we're not planning on having our own any time soon. Sheesh, one thing at a time, ok?