Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The Family Came!

We've had a great couple of weeks visiting with lots of family members. Here are some pictures to enjoy.

First Jamie's Aunt Roz and Uncle Max came and took us out to a lovely lunch.

My cousin Ben-Yeshai who lives in Israel, took me and my cousins Joel and Byria (visiting from France) on a tour of Jerusalem.

When my Grandma B arrived in town, she met her first cousin Esmond for the first time.

Then Jamie's sister, Stacy, came. We took her to the shuk and around town. We spent lots of time hanging out in coffee shops.

We had the family over for Shabbat Dinner and Jamie also gave a quick concert.

Our apartment is pretty cold.

We took the family on a tour of Jamie's campus and then on a tour of the Old City.

After all this time, it was so nice to have some family here. We were sad to see them go, but we have less than two months now. We leave for Ukraine in less than two weeks!! We can't wait to show all of you pictures.

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It looks like you had a lot of fun with your families. This would explain why we haven't heard from you.

We're in the Galilee (having the time of our lives so far), and will be in Jerusalem on Thursday.

Teri and Dan
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